As some of you may know, I have been good friends with Dannyjiujitsu Zapatero for some time. He is the founder of the Fighter Brothers Group in SL.
For a long time the group housed men that liked to fight men, for the sport, the brotherhood, and of course the erotic side as well. In recent months the system that was used changed; and with it many of the members stopped fighting.
News has it currently that the "Old" HUD that was once used so much will be making a return, therefore re-ingiting the spark within the fight community and Fighter Brothers as well. In celebration of this, and of the FIghter Brothers group, Danny approached me about making some fight gear for the men.
Viktorious Fight Gear was born (with some great name and design help from Danny and Isaiah Slade). Fight shorts, and tanks are now being sold outside of the Fighter Brothers gym. This is currently the only place they can be found for sale. I have no plans currently of adding them to Inside-Out or Marketplace as in my eyes it is nearly a different business.
Anyway, you can find all of the items if you follow this SLURL.
See you in world,