Friday, July 1, 2011

Rude People

OK, so is it just me or does SL seem to be an excuse for some people to be extremely rude?

Just the other day, I got an IM from a friend who told me that these people had teleported into her home and began walking around and using her objects.

Another friend tells me that two people popped in and began having sex on their bed!

Yes, there are security systems that can bar this sort of thing from happening, but seriously?? Some places, like apartments don't allow it, and some that do allow it can malfunction. Do we really need security though?? I mean if this were RL you wouldn't walk into someone's house and start eating their food or having sex would you?(and lemme tell you right now that if you answered "yes" to that you are seriously fucked up in the noggin!)

Shouldn't the code of ethics and respect for others personal property be regarded the same way in SL as it is in RL? Maybe we need an SL police force that can come and arrest the tresspasser and lock them in jail for a few hours or just ban then from the sim for a few days.

There has got to be some sort of retribution for people that choose to disrespect others in world, jsut like there is in RL.

See you in world,

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